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Ilustração 05.PNG



(but it could be any date, from 2015 until this place lasts)

Nothing will happen as I expect it to. Perhaps that's an immutable truth. I'll tell you a secret: you'll experience the unpredictable and that can be very difficult, but it can also be the best part. When you live among many, everything, including what is invisible, is always changing and you have no control over it. Something imposes itself, another penetrates without asking permission. When nothing is transparent and you can see everything with your whole body, it's impossible to draw a line and go. Everything takes you away from it, looking and seeing the other in all their opacity offers you an unexpected path. You're being now, but just ahead you might be a little bit the other. His presence has changed the way I write. There's something about her energy that reminds me of a sensation I'm trying to forget. All the time, you are invited to be more than you could ever imagine being. Glissant writes: "Chaos is totality in movement". All the time, the other is proving to you that you may no longer want to be what you wanted to be before now. There is no escaping the now.

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